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Whether you are looking to motivate your team or just bring a touch of fun to your personal office space, inspirational quotes can spruce up any work environment and promote positivity.


At The HON Company, we follow our GREEN initiative closely.  Whether it is our Comold seating using recovered wood fibers or our paint reclamation recycling overspray, we are all about finding ways to repurpose and recycle materials to keep as much out of the landfills as possible.

With this thought in mind, I wanted to create some fun artwork for the office that uses reclaimed wood and a couple basic materials that you can find around the house. I chose the phrase “Make Things Happen” as a constant reminder to strive to do my best every day.

Starting with a 2×4 piece of scrap wood, old pallet wood or leftover boards from a home improvement project, determine the length you wish your phrase to be, allowing a good inch on each end.


Using a scroll saw, band saw or table saw, cut the wood to size.  I find when I am working on these types of projects, it is easier to cut several pieces and work on them in a batch. Why clean up the mess more than once, right?


Lightly sand the edges to prevent splinters and add 1-2 coats of paint, allowing at least a half hour drying time between each coat.  I selected a basic black acrylic paint that I had on hand.  You can use acrylic craft paint found at any craft or super store or some leftover house paint.  We all have a few cans of this sitting around!

If you like the aged look like I do, once the paint is dry to the touch, sand it slightly along the edges using 80-100 grit sand paper or sanding sponge and hit the edges that would “naturally” be worn over time.


I used a die cut machine to create my phrase.  Lay the sign vinyl out on the surface using contact paper or vinyl film release and press to adhere securely to your painted surface.  This takes patience and gentle pressure to adhere securely and prevent lifting.  Try using an old gift card or something similar to press it down evenly.


If you prefer, you can use a contrasting paint color and stencil your phrase onto the wood. You can buy stencils online or at nearly any craft store. You can also create your own out of some cardboard and a sharp craft knife.  Paint your block with the 1-2 coats of the base color first allowing it to dry fully before layering the stencil color.  Follow up with your contrasting color, allowing that paint to dry fully and apply a light clear coat to make dusting easier if you used only paint.  Word of caution: avoid the clear coat if you used the vinyl technique as it can cause the vinyl to lift.


As a finishing touch to mine, I used a gold paint pen I had left over from an old craft project and just touched the edges around the front to “glam” it up a bit.


Place your finished masterpiece in your office space and enjoy!  These would make great additions to any conference room or community space in your office to promote teamwork and motivate everyone.


What are some other fun quotes you could use?  Here are just a handful of ideas:

Dream Big- Work Hard


Think like a Customer

Whatever the problem—Be part of the solution

Teamwork makes the Dream work


The workplace has gone through many shifts over the years, with style, layout, design, and furniture having a lot to do with that. My name is Jared Roumfort and I am a 21-year-old college student at the University of Northern Iowa, currently interning in Marketing at The HON Company.  While being here this summer, I have already learned a lot about the workplace and the different tendencies people have. Do you like to work independently in a private space? In an open floor plan with an interactive and engaging setting? Or maybe a mixture of both?

Being in my early twenties makes me part of the Generation Z class, just missing the Millennial Generation. However, many people in college are also Millennials, making us a diverse group.  From my experience, people my age favor an engaging setting within an office, allowing them to perform tasks collaboratively rather than working independently. The workplace is gravitating towards this exact style – a responsive, hands-on approach towards everyday work that makes it easier for many people my age to perform. It is important to connect and build relationships within the workplace, allowing the bonds between coworkers to be strengthened and making it feel more comfortable and inviting for everyone.  Along with that, I have seen many employees my age prefer furniture that connects with an open floor plan. To support these work styles, lightweight, mobile, and flexible furniture that is adaptable for any office is becoming the norm. Tables that have a multi-purpose function are what I believe younger employees are looking for in their office spaces. The ability to customize features, such as color, design, and material, is also extremely valued.

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A HON product line that often comes to mind for fitting the preferences of my generation is Flock®.  In a world that increasingly values freedom and mobility, fewer people work in one spot. We all work everywhere now, constantly seeking out relaxing spaces to maximize opportunities for productivity. Flock connects home and office, bringing people together within a casual workplace setting that allows everyone to find comfort and quality. This furniture collection features soft seating products and collaborative tables for endless possibilities to mix and match in any workspace. In my opinion, younger workers need variety and choice to perform their best, seeking comfortable spaces that inspire and engage. An inviting atmosphere, like the one Flock creates, can help attract anyone to a business – especially those who focus on interaction every day.

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Furniture has more of an impact on life than we may realize. We’ve all heard about the sit-to-stand revolution and a focus on wellness in the workplace. This continues to change the way we work and how we can perform and contribute while incorporating movement into the workday. Flock supports relaxed postures and encourages everyone to work in a change-of-pace environment. Another essential part of everyday life for all workers, but specifically my generation, is technology.  Technology has enabled us to work from anywhere and expand our boundaries.  Growing up in the era of technology has also enabled employees my age to understand and communicate thoroughly by multi-tasking.  When in the office, we are no longer tethered to our desk and are free to work in various settings depending on the task.  My generation is also comfortable working differently because of technology.  Being able to multi-task on the phone, computer, and in person has given people a unique set of skills that benefit the modern workplace.  There is a comfort working with many people nearby while still focusing on your work, and this makes Flock a very desirable and productive solution.


Overall, Flock has the ability to invite and connect people together while having a positive experience. Office spaces have evolved in more ways than one, but with the style my generation prefers, it is an exciting and welcoming change that continues to develop.

For more information about how this product line can attract and retain younger workers, check out HON’s recent Flock expansion at

When you think of HON, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Maybe it’s our task seating. Maybe you know HON from the old days where our strongest suit was steel filing. Or, perhaps you are familiar with how we got started making recipe card boxes post World War II. If education furniture wasn’t something that popped into your head, you might be surprised to hear that HON has a very robust collection of learning solutions – a perfect example of our inspired practicality story. Take a look below at some of the ways HON has the right products for every space, every student and every type of learning.

More Than Just Desks
Today’s classrooms are not the classrooms of yesteryear. With the passing of each academic year, more and more emphasis is placed on collaboration and integrating new learning techniques for today’s youth, from kindergarten classrooms all the way to up to higher education facilities. HON doesn’t just have student desks to have student desks; we conducted extensive research to better understand how teachers teach and students learn to create innovative, quality products that are affordable. Build™ is a perfect example of that: height-adjustable activity tables in 12 unique shapes that can be broken out for individual learning, or can be joined together for interaction. Pair that with our industry-leading laminate desks for administrators, comfortable task chairs for teachers that won’t break the bank, and Smartlink® or Motivate® chairs that are specifically designed with students in mind, and you’re looking at a one-stop shopping learning solution. (Check out the new Motivate Counter-Height Stool , designed to meet multiple-height seating needs in learning and commercial applications.)


Beyond the Classroom
Collaboration extends well beyond the classroom as well. Lounge spaces require access to power to meet the needs of today’s technology-dependent world. Enter Grove®: not only does it provide a comfortable and active posture to encourage productivity, but it also incorporates a table to give you the option of tablet arms, a powered grommet or pop-up port. It’s the perfect fix for anyone who needs to charge their phone while they talk about a project, or juice up their laptop as they race to the finish on a homework deadline. Solutions like Grove and Flock® are also great for previously unused spaces, like hallways, to add additional study and collaborative areas for students. (COMING SOON: An exciting expansion to the Flock collaborative collection.)

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Designed with Learning in Mind
For instances where you need a traditional primary or secondary education classroom solution, SmartLink provides the answer you need. Looking for both sitting- and standing-height student desks? SmartLink has you covered, offering fixed, adjustable, and sit-to-stand options, along with chairs in varying sizes and five chair heights ranging from 6”-18” to fit all students K-12. And, it doesn’t sacrifice innovation. The desks can be easily reconfigured in a variety of ways to accommodate different learning solutions. Last but not least, SmartLink also features unique storage that allows teachers to keep their classrooms organized—not an easy feat, as some would undoubtedly attest to. The unique design allows you to slide storage bins from the track integrated under the desktop to a lockable storage cabinet, so there’s a place for everything and everything is always in its place.  (Be sure to check out the latest SmartLink additions, including 14″H and 16″H Cantilever chairs as well as a 6″H chair which supports reading circle-style active learning.)


These are just a few ways that HON can be leveraged in the education arena —share your HON learning stories with us in the comments below!

Visit our Learning Spotlight Page on and download our K-12 and Higher Education Learning brochures to learn more today!

The word “empower” symbolizes the authority to take control. The term incites feelings of strength, confidence and liberation.

What if I told you that you could have the power to do more with your workspace? That you could feel in control of your office surroundings and be confident that your personal work style will be supported? Meet Empower®, HON’s new benching system that connects the way people work by doing just that – empowering them to do more.

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Below are a few empowering features of this new product line designed to help you work better:

The essence of Empower is simplicity. This new benching system is designed to be easy in every way, from specifying and ordering (including one model number typical bundles) to speedy installation and efficient power management. So no matter which direction your office is taking, whether you’re just getting started or expanding a growing business, Empower will help you get where you want to go, fast. And when you can do everything you need to do faster and easier, we call that Inspired Practicality.

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We understand that your business is unique and that furniture is an important way to express your brand. More importantly, we understand that every individual worker deserves to establish his own personal space. Empower makes it easy to add and remove pieces as your business needs change. Available in a wide variety of paint and laminate options with several screen options to add privacy, this benching system has the personalization opportunities to create your desired look and feel.

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There’s no way to get around it – we all want power in our workspace (and I’m not talking about the authoritative, empowerment kind!). Say goodbye to messy extension cords and tangled cables. Empower supports fixed and mobile devices with seamless power management to each space through clean, discrete troughs in the center of the worksurfaces. It’s easy to run power from the ceiling to the workstation through a power pole, or keep cords collected and controlled from the floor to the wire trough with the vertebrae model. Additional HON Workplace tools, such as power modules, bring data directly to the surface so that you can always be connected.

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To learn more about Empower benching, visit the Spotlight page at

How does HON “empower” you in the office?


Working at HON has taught me the importance of corporate responsibility and giving back to your community – not to mention just how easy it can be. For example, HON headquarters hosts member Jeans Days on Fridays to give employees the opportunity to donate to a cause in exchange for a more casual dress code. Throughout the year, members vote on the charities that mean the most to them so that everyone feels a close connection to the mission. In 2016 alone, member Jeans Days at HON headquarters raised over $12,000.  This amount was then matched by the HNI Charitable Foundation, a group dedicated to fulfilling the HNI vision to “Be a Responsible Corporate Citizen”, for a grand total of almost $25,000.

HNI, The HON Company and Allsteel have joined together for many years to support City of Hope – an independent research and medical institution recognized as a leader in the fight against cancer, diabetes and HIV/AIDS – raising a record $635,000 in 2016.

This simple act of donating to many amazing organizations as a company inspired a personal challenge that I took on this year to donate to a new charity every week throughout 2017. I have picked local charities that serve my immediate community, as well as national and international causes by which my life has been personally affected.

HON’s dedication to its community has shown me that small acts can make a huge impact, both in our local neighborhoods and around the world. And it’s not always just about financial donations. In addition to gifts of money, it can be just as meaningful to write handwritten letters or personally thank your coworkers, customers and community members. I recently sent a thank you basket of treats to my local doctor’s office to recognize what they do for our community and thank the receptionist who impressed me with her professionalism at my last visit. It was an inexpensive way to show appreciation for a strong, local business and to make others feel valued.

What can you do to help out your fellow coworker, your customer, or your local community? If you don’t have the money to give, try simple things like writing a personal thank you to the teammate who helped you on an important project. Thank the person that held the door open for you as you walked back in from your lunch break.  Wave the guy through in the intersection on your commute to work. Even the simple act of paying for someone’s coffee can cause a huge ripple effect that puts a smile on everyone’s face. With the help of HON and HNI, I have been exposed to and learned a lot about the wonderful causes that our members find important and can’t wait to find new opportunities to give back.

How does your office give back to its community? What causes are important to you?

Businesswoman pulling suitcase

By definition, communication is the exchange of information. Countless books and articles have been written addressing how to better understand and communicate with your customers, but these same tips are just as helpful when it comes to internal communication with your coworkers. Here are a few tips and tricks to transform your interactions, both inside and outside the office, and separate yourself from the competition.

Make your presence meaningful:
Add value to every interaction. Make sure you are making the most of your team member’s or your customer’s time and be mindful of how you can help them work better. Do you have success stories to share? Is there an upcoming training or webinar you could attend or promote to your stakeholders? Thoughtful, detailed, and honorable service is something that cannot be bought.

Be an active listener:
When your teammate or customer is speaking — are you listening or piecing together your response? Stop, digest the information, and ask questions. Especially when it comes to working with customers, their success is your success, so expressing a sincere interest will go a long way to strengthening important sales relationships.

Think before you speak:
Once you have digested the speaker’s needs, be sure to think before you respond. It’s okay not to have all of the answers, but it’s not okay to tell people only what they want to hear. Good service is exponentially more valuable than fast service.

“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” Benjamin Franklin

Be mindful of email etiquette:
Email etiquette is simple. Whenever possible, address people by name (spelled correctly, of course!). Respond promptly, even when you can’t provide a detailed response – it’s okay to say so and seek out a subject matter expert who can assist.

Deliver more than expected:
Following these prompts should create a deeper connection with both your teammates and your customers – go the extra mile to make it personal. Give more than expected by tailoring the sales experience, being mindful of how you can help those you work with, and always following up after a project has closed. Customers and coworkers want to be understood – be the person that gets them!

How do you bring the ‘wow factor’ in your office?

It takes more than a desk and chair to be productive. Today’s workspaces are designed around multitasking and maximizing every inch of space. This means surrounding yourself with workplace tools that help you do more with less. Storage solutions that help you pile, stake and organize. Technological tools that put everything within arm’s reach, and cord management that keeps it all neatly tucked away. Ample lighting whether working day or night. Options for turning a fixed desk into a sit-to-stand workstation that offers a healthier way to work.

Monitor Arms
Monitor arms help bring the office to the 21st century and free up the shrinking desk space. Being able to raise the monitor off of a worksurface can help reduce eye strain for employees, and create space division from their neighbors in low panel/open plan layouts. View the Monitor Arms cut sheet for more information.

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Power Modules
Bring power right to your worksurface with this clamp mount module and avoid crawling under the desk and stretching behind storage pieces to stay connected or charge electronics. View the Power and Cable Management cut sheet for more information.

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Articulating Desk Lamp w/ Occupancy Sensor
Because the proper amount of illumination depends both on your vision and on the tasks being performed, overhead lighting may not always be appropriate as a single lighting source and we know natural lighting can be hard to come by. Consider adding this sleek task lamp to individualize lighting and support many different types of work. And don’t worry about leaving it on overnight! The occupancy sensor will turn it off when you have walked away from your desk. View the cut sheet for more information.

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Directional™ Desktop Sit-to-Stand
Sit-to-stand desks have proven ergonomic benefits, but not everyone has the budget for or access to one. Consider Directional, a cost effective solution. This table top accessory clamps to an existing desk and can easily be raised and lowered at the press of a lever. Making it easier for workers to adjust monitors to each individual’s ideal placement, Directional can help alleviate eye strain and decrease stress on the shoulders, back and neck. View the Directional spotlight page for more information.


Sit-to-Stand Arm with Keyboard Tray
Adjust this keyboard tray to help you achieve a neutral wrist posture, even while standing! To avoid wrist discomfort, especially while typing, it’s best to make sure that your wrists align with your forearms and remain in a straight line. View the cut sheet for more information.

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These are just a few examples of HON’s workplace tools, designed to provide the finishing touch on any high-performance workspace. Visit or watch our short Two Minute Tutorial to learn more.

What are some of your favorite tools in the office?