As the holidays approach and we welcome a time of celebration, ensure that everything is covered prior to closing time. To do this, plan ahead so that you don’t fall behind in the interim. Check out our three tips below on how to get ahead of that work:


Tip 1: Create a To Do List

Make a list of work that could be completed before you leave the office. Once the list is written, go back over it and prioritize things that must be done before the break. The more you accomplish before break, the better position you return to. Not only is this beneficial for customers, but co-workers who count on you in everyday tasks will appreciate your preparedness!


Tip 2: Reach Out!

Prior to closing for the holidays, reaching out to customers and coworkers can open the door for any last-minute assistance they may need. Additionally, letting customers know when you will be out of the office and when you’ll return is helpful in determining important deadlines or if work needs to be covered.


Tip 3: Enjoy the Holidays

Getting ahead and leaving yourself in a good place before you leave allows for a less stressful return. Though there may be tasks that need completed once you return, clear expectations and priorities can aid in some transition back to work.


As we near the holidays, zone in and accomplish what you need so that you can enjoy the festivities. Make a list, check it twice, and get ahead. What are you some of your tips for staying ahead of the holidays?


Written by Stephanie Roan