Many businesses today have a presence on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, but the social media craze is about more than just the number of “likes” and “retweets” one gets. Here are a few of the most important measurable benefits:

Brand Distinction and Awareness

No matter which social media platform(s) your business uses, you have the freedom and ability to present the unique personality of your brand to potential customers and keep them hooked. Whether you want to have a formal or laid back media presence, make sure your posts convey the identity that you want for your business. Social media is quickly becoming the main channel for how customers find out about a new business or a product, so posting regularly and differentiating your business from others is important.

How HON does it: HON posts daily on various social media platforms and produces original content that represents the brand as being personable and relatable.


Direct Communication with Customers

Brand awareness is commonly one of the main goals of social media, but it’s often forgotten that is a two-way street. Social media allows customers to communicate directly with companies, and in turn allows companies to reply back. It’s important to converse with these individuals because it provides a “face” for your company. Just like an offline relationship, regular online engagement will lead your customers to become more committed to your brand, which can lead to increased sales and success.

How HON does it: HON replies to all individuals and businesses that tag us on social media.


Richer Experiences

At the core of every good company is great customer service. Every interaction is another opportunity to display your company’s service level and create a richer experience for your customers and followers. A positive personal experience can result in a higher number of returning customers, which may correlate with increased sales.

How HON does it: HON responds back to all questions.


Increased website traffic

Without social media, inbound traffic to your website is limited to the random Google search and those people already familiar with your brand. Taking advantage of multiple social media channels is important, as it increases the amount of inbound traffic to your company by adding various paths to your website. By including multimedia, hyperlinks, and even hashtags in your social media content, you make it easier for people searching for your product or service to curate information and find you through search engine optimization.

How HON does it: HON is active on multiple social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, and Flickr, and regularly directs fans and followers back to

How do you use social media for your business?